When should I contact school?
As soon as you feel you need to. If in doubt, please contact us; we would far rather you contacted us for reassurance over something that turns out to be minor than spend time worrying about something. The table below in intended to help parents/carers work out the best member of staff to contact regarding their issue. If after reading through, you are still unsure who to contact, please do not hesitate to contact the main school office where our staff will be able to point you in the right direction. We try to respond to all emails within 48 hours.
I know class teachers are very busy. Is it ok to contact them?
Yes, it is absolutely fine to contact a class teacher if you need to. The vast majority of instances where parents/carers need to contact teachers can be dealt with via a quick email exchange, so feel free to do this in the first instance. Please be aware due to timetable commitments and extra–curricular activities teachers may not respond immediately.
Can’t I just contact the Headteacher if I’ve got a problem?
Yes, you are always welcome to contact the Headteacher if you feel you need to (by emailing the Headteacher’s PA, Mrs Muckley, [email protected] or calling 01925 636414). At the same time, parents/carers will appreciate that in many circumstances it may be more appropriate for another member of staff who has a more detailed knowledge of the issue to respond in the first instance.
How quickly can I expect a response to my queries?
Please refer to the service standards section of the Communication Policy (on the website) for full details. Ordinarily, you can expect a response within 48 hours.
How do I know who is the best person to contact?
The table below is intended to help parents/carers with information about who to contact in certain, common scenarios. If you are unsure about who to contact, we recommend you call the main school reception on 01925 636414, where our staff will be able to point you in the right direction. Email addresses can be found at the end of this document.
Is there anything else I should bear in mind?
Hopefully this guide, along with our full communication policy, covers what you need. The only other thing we would say is that we understand that sometimes parents or carers may be frustrated about issues that arise and we will always do our best to solve these. At the same time, our staff should not have to put up with communication that is rude, abusive or aggressive. Equally, we would much prefer parents or carers to contact us directly with concerns rather than raise them on social media before we have had the chance to respond.
If you would like to file a formal complaint, please follow the procedure set out in our complaints policy.