If you think your child may be eligible for Free School Meals it is very important to register, not just to save money but to benefit the school too. Each child registered for Free School Meals brings more funding into the school. This funding is called the Pupil Premium.
You can apply for free school meals by visiting www.warrington.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals or by collecting an application from school.
Additionally, the school operates a scheme where we provide vouchers for the parents/carers of students’ registered for Free School Meals. The aim of the scheme is to make sure that these young people are not disadvantaged when it comes to their education. For example, the voucher can be used to buy revision guides, uniform and to pay for educational visits. Application forms are available from Warrington Borough Council’s Education Department or from the Main Office, where staff will be happy to give help and advice (Maximum of £100 per academic year).