Our curriculum model has resulted in our students achieving significantly improved GCSE outcomes. It has also played a significant role in improving attendance to meet national levels, lowering persistent absence, lowering fixed term exclusions and reported instances of poor behavior.
We spend a significant amount of time talking with students, their parents/carers as well as any relevant external support to ensure that the curriculum meets their individual needs. Regular Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) meetings take place to aid this process. Students are better informed than they ever have been and so make more thoughtful choices about their future, resulting in fewer students deemed not in education employment or training (NEET).
The impact of our approach is the increase in progress made by all our learners. Our school has now become a popular school in the local area with numbers on roll increasing rapidly and our Year 7 is the largest year group in the school. Parents and carers, and the community at large have clearly bought in to the school’s Church school ethos, including the curriculum across all key stages.