Science Key Stage 3


5 Ways to support your child

Ask your child what he/she has been learning about in Science and spend time looking through their book at home. We have a policy that students take their books home every night unless they are collected in for marking.

Support your child to complete their homework on time and to a high standard.

Encourage them to access bbc bitesize and other learning websites to read around the topic they have been studying in class.

Ensure that they revise for tests/assessments in plenty of time. ‘Cramming’ the night before is not encouraged.

Purchase a Key Stage 3 revision guide and encourage your child to use it, creating revision posters from it.



Year 7 Curriculum Overview

In Term 1 the students study the following units:

Introduction to science
What are we made of?
What is happening around us?
Strike a light!
Human Reproduction

In Term 2 the students study :

Plant Reproduction
Particles in Action
May the force be with you
Digestion And Diet

In Term 3 the students study:

Elements and compounds

Year 8 Curriculum Overview

In Term 1 the students study the following units:

Heat, Sound and Waves
Energy, Electricity and Fuel

In Term 2 the students study the following units:

Plants And Ecology
Our Planet
Marvellous Metals

In Term 3 the students study 2 large units in detail:

Chemical Reactions
Forces and Motion

Year 9 will appear here next year.

Homework overview

In Years 7&8, students are provided with homework booklets based on the units they are studying in class. These booklets may be stuck into books or kept in a folder for your child to bring home.

The students are expected to complete a page per week in the homework booklet.


In Year 7 &8 we assess using 2 methods. We test using alfiesoft which is an online testing method.

It is used when your child has completed 2 units of work and they will sit an alfiesoft test. The results of the test are printed onto a detailed certificate which is then stuck into books. It gives the students clear guidance on their strengths and areas for development. We encourage you to sit with your child and talk through their alfiesoft certificate when you see them stuck in books.

Your child will also complete ‘levelled assessed tasks’ which are pieces of work in class which are completed independently and individually and assessed and given a level by your child’s teacher.