DT Curriculum

Aims of the department

  1. To give students the experience of designing and making quality products with a ‘take home’ value.
  2. To provide an active, stimulating and safe environment, in which students can realise their full potential.
  3. To build students’ self-esteem, through successful completion of design and make tasks showing clear links into industry in today’s world
  4. To build students’ awareness of materials, products and systems and how they can effect society, including an understanding of economic, social and moral factors
  5. To empower students to make decisions and evaluate the outcome
  6. To deliver the school’s mission statement.

Design Technology department objectives

  1. All students will follow a broad, balanced, Design Technology course in KS3, then opt for their chosen subject in KS4. Quality courses will be offered to meet as closely as possible, the needs of the students.
  2. A variety of teaching approaches will be used in order to challenge student’s understanding of Technological concepts and their application.
  3. Through inset training and staff development, the department will ensure that staff keep up to date and are competent to deliver the requirements of the courses we are delivering
  4. Staff will create a working environment that is exciting and stimulating in order to motivate students and promote Design & Technology excellence.
  5. Staff will produce and use quality resources and worksheets to encourage high standards from students.
  6. Students’ work will be displayed to stimulate and encourage high standards.
  7. Staff will teach all students the correct, safe procedure for conducting themselves in a practical environment and insist on those safe procedures at all times.
  8. Staff will seek to ensure a high standard of work and behaviour from all students.
  9. Staff will use student data and statistics to set targets and ensure each student is working to their full potential.
  • Staff will develop schemes of work and resources, which allow students to progress and develop, whilst improving their skills in as wide a sphere of Technology as possible.
  • The school’s SEN, literacy and numeracy policies will be incorporated into the writing of schemes of work.
  • Staff will set homework that will support, enhance and reinforce classroom based activities.
  • To ensure continuity of the curriculum if staff are absent and ensure the work set is structured and relevant
  • Extra-Curricular clubs will be provided for enthusiastic students to develop their skills and knowledge further.